Design Guidelines & Resources
To effectively create promotional materials for your department or program, it's important to adhere to the Business School brand guidelines to ensure consistency and alignment with our brand identity.
Logo & Marks Typography Color Palette Photo & Video Texture Templates
Logos & Marks
CU Denver Business School Logo
The CU Denver Business School logo includes the University's condensed mark in collaboration with the Business School name. The mark represents the Business School as a part of the CU system while creating differentiation from other units.
The logo is intended for use, when applicable, to bring awareness to the CU Denver Business School brand.
Do CU Denver logo mark can be used to represent the Business School when used out-of-state for recruiting purposes.
Do use all black or all white logo options when using CU Gold or Gold Tint as a background.
Do not change color of marks, approved variations are available upon request.
Clear Space
Including space around the logo ensures the mark is clear and legible. The CU Denver Business School follows the clear space guidelines set by CU Denver's 2024 rebrand (PDF) which uses the interlocked "U" to determine spacing around the logo.
CU Denver Campus Logo
The CU Denver Business School permits the use of the CU Denver campus logo when promoting the Business School out-of-state. Please get approval from the Business School marketing team to use the campus logo for Business School marketing purposes.
Additional Marks
To represent each department or unit, the CU Denver condensed mark and Business School name are paired with the specific department or program name. Each brand liaison has access to their respective department or program IDs for use within the Business School. All designs using the Business School brand should be reviewed by the Marketing Department before publishing or printing.
Denver Built. Global Ready.
The "Denver Built, Global Ready" tagline can be used to complement photos, enhance video or stand alone as a solo design. This tagline is the preferred tagline for Business School branded items. "Denver Built, Global Ready" should be used with a purpose that aligns with the Business School brand pillars as outlined on the Brand Guidelines homepage. All designs using the Business School brand should be reviewed by the Marketing Department before publishing or printing.
Meet Your Moment
The "Meet You Moment" tagline can be used in written form using the Business School's brand font, Helvetica Neue. The Meet Your Moment graphic created as a part of CU Denver's 2024 brand refresh (PDF) is not compliant with the Business School's brand standards and should not be utilized for Business School marketing materials.
If approved by the marketing team, please follow the Business School's typography guidelines by using the brand font, Helvetica Neue Condensed.
While this version is compliant by CU campus brand guidelines, it is not accepted by the Business School's brand guidelines. Do not use this version for CU Business School marketing purposes.
The YOU graphic is used the emphasize our students and their unique stories. A YOU statement is recommended when using the YOU graphic element to further emphasize the Business School promise. As the YOU graphic is more complex, please work with the Business School Marketing team to develop and design a YOU statement that aligns with your department or program's goals.
As of the Business School’s brand refresh in 2022, these marks are no longer approved for use. All materials should be updated to align with the current brand standards to ensure consistency. If you are currently using any materials with previous versions of the Business School brand, please contact the Marketing team to request an update.
- Use Business School specific typography guidelines only.
- CU Denver Campus typography guidelines (PDF) do not comply with the Business School brand standards (specifically, Helvetica Neue Condensed Italic should not be used for headline text)
The Business School primary color palette is consistent with the CU system guidelines. CU Gold, black and white make up the brand's primary colors. Secondary colors include the Gold Tint and grays.
Secondary gray scale (PDF) set by CU Denver Main Campus is permitted when accessibility contrast (PDF) is followed.
Primary Colors
CU Gold
HEX 020000
Secondary Colors
Dark Gray
HEX 565A5C
Gold Tint
Light Gray
Do follow Accessibility contrast guidelines (PDF) at all times.
CU Black should be used as a primary background color.
In order to meet campus-wide accessibility standards: "When using White text on CU Gold backgrounds or CU Gold text on White backgrounds, the text must be outlined with Accessible Gold." (page 64, CU Denver Campus Brand Guidelines PDF)
Accessible Gold HEX #8D7334 |
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CU Denver Campus “City Heights Sandstone” can be used as an alternative to white in layouts that need a second bright color.
"City Heights Sandstone" and "Centennial Teal" should only be used when approved by the Business School Marketing team.
City Heights Sandstone HEX #F1EAD8 |
Centennial Teal HEX #28939D |
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Photo & Video
Utilizing photo and video in your marketing efforts can take your reach to the next level. To access CU Denver Business School's brand photos, speak with you department's Brand Liaison or our Brand Manager Rebeka Morales.
To request templates for video, such as lower thirds or intro/outro graphics, contact your department's Brand Liaison or our Brand Manager Rebeka Morales.
- Do use natural lighting.
- Do use compositions that immerse audiences in the action.
- Do not use photo or video with lens flare.
- Do not use washes of color behind the subject for photos with original background. However, CU Denver Business School approved textures are allowed when removing the original background, depending on brand compliance.
- Do not use colored backdrops that compete with the CU Denver brand. We recommend white, black, or cool or warm gray as backdrops.
- Do not crop subject's faces.
CU Denver Business School brand approved textures can be used with photo, video and graphics as an additional element to enhance your compositions.
- Textures should take up a small portion of the design.
- Do use CU Denver Business School brand approved textures provided. (Please note: Not all CU Denver main campus textures (PDF) are in compliance with the Business School brand guidelines)
- Do use textures as an accent.
- Do not use more than one texture in a composition.
The CU Denver Business School maintains a complementary sub-brand from the CU Denver campus brand for marketing purposes. Please refer to CU Denver's College and School Exceptions (PDF) stated in the CU Denver 2023-2024 Brand Refresh.