Urban Sustainability and Infrastructure Certificate

Urban Sustainability and Infrastructure Certificate

Cities are the most rapidly growing regions globally. They must be designed collaboratively with public, private, and civic sectors to make them more sustainable in the future. This certificate is designed for aspiring business leaders who plan to engage or collaborate with the public and civic sector to make our cities more just, livable, and sustainable through urban design, infrastructure planning, land use, and other urban sustainability concepts. Courses offered on-campus only.


To earn the Certificate, you must complete 3 graduate courses of 9 credit hours each for 9 credit hours. In addition to the course options below, you may finish the Certificate by completing a significant urban sustainability and infrastructure-related internship (e.g., implementing an urban sustainability project with a business), independent study (e.g., implementing an urban sustainability project with your employer), or study abroad program.

Choose one of the following: URPL 5040 Urban Sustainability OR GEOG 5680 Urban Sustainability and Resiliency: Perspectives and Practice. Then, choose two additional urban sustainability and infrastructure-related courses. Past course topics include:

  • Urban design and environment
  • Urban design economics and equity
  • Sustainable urban infrastructure
  •  Transportation, land use, and the environment
  • Sustainable transportation systems

Flexibility to apply to a future MS degree. The Urban Sustainability and Infrastructure Certificate can be stacked or combined with the Foundations of Sustainable Business Certificate and one additional Certificate from the list below to earn the Master of Science in Sustainable Business if you later apply to the entire MS program.

  • Environmental Sustainability Certificate
  • Managing for Sustainability Certificate
  • Risk Management and Resilience Certificate
  • Social Enterprise Certificate
  • Sustainable Energy Certificate