Masterclass in Commodity Trading & Hedging

Masterclass in Commodity Trading & Hedging

This four-week online certificate course is for new hires on the trading desk, risk managers, analysts & senior management. The course offers a complete perspective on institutional commodity trading. Learn how professional traders distill information into an actionable perspective on the future of price, then select the optimal strategy to express that view of the market. 

The course will be of maximum interest to individuals in commodities markets, particularly analysts, quants, risk managers, and traders at firms with exposure to physical production, transport, or consumption. 

Course topics include:

  • Mechanics of physical & financial commodity markets
  • Analyzing fundamental variables that influence price
  • Understanding the impacts of volatility & risk
  • Developing a robust trading methodology
  • Executing trades & managing positions

The curriculum features a self-paced study with lectures that act as deep dives into each element of the trading process. The course culminates with an immersive case study where students will hedge the complex physical exposures of a production facility in a global commodity market.

Students who complete the course will receive 12 continuing education credits (CEUs). 


The next class runs from March 3 – 28, 2025. Registration opens November 15.

The course will be a mix of pre-recorded and live lectures via Zoom (recorded for those who cannot attend live).

All live lectures will be recorded and posted later that day for those unable to attend live.

Fall 2024 Course Syllabus

About the Instructor

Joel Rubano is a commodity trader with twenty years of energy trading experience. He has hedged the financial exposures of multi-billion dollar asset portfolios and managed speculative trading books at six different firms in power, natural gas, oil, and coal.

Mr. Rubano founded Instradev, LLC, a consultancy that presents multi-day trader development and risk management programs for energy & financial firms and lectures to MBA/Masters classes at leading universities. He is the author of Trader Construction Kit, a practical guide to developing the skills and techniques employed by professional traders, currently in its second edition.