CU Denver Badging Initiative

Many of the buildings on the Auraria campus now require you to use your Campus ID Badge to gain access. We know this is a big change and that many of you may need a little more time to get your CU Denver ID badges activated.

That’s why from October 3-15, the North Classroom, Science, and Arts buildings will continue to operate as they have been for the last few weeks. You may gain access through the same, limited number of exterior doors that have been unlocked in recent weeks.

After Oct. 15, these buildings will join the others on campus (see list below) that require a Campus ID badge to get in.

We have worked with AHEC to delay full badge access protocols in these buildings because we know these are among those most frequently utilized by our CU Denver community. We need you to use this extra time to take the appropriate steps below:

  • If you do not yet have a CU Denver ID badge, you should acquire one at the ID Station in the Tivoli as soon as possible to avoid being locked out of campus buildings.
  • Even if you already have a badge, it may not be active. You must test your badge on one of the locked buildings from the list below to ensure it works correctly. See the Testing Your Campus ID Badge instructions below.
  • If your card does not work on one of the locked buildings from the list below, stay at the card reader and call AHEC’s Access Control Office at (303) 556-4296. See the Testing Your Campus ID Badge instructions below.
  • If your card is expired (according to the date listed on the card), you do not need to acquire a new card. However, you still need to confirm that your card is active. See the Testing Your Campus ID Badge instructions below. 

Testing Your Campus ID Badge

With your CU Denver ID badge in hand please find a card reader near the exterior doors of any of the AHEC buildings that are locked (see list below). Tap your card on the card reader. If the small light on the card reader turns green your ID Badge is active. Confirm your access by opening the door.

If the small light does not turn green, your ID badge is not active. Please call AHEC’s Access Control Office at (303) 556-4296. You must be at an AHEC card reader when you make the call so they can activate your card in real time. We recommend calling immediately. 

Please don’t delay. Take the time to test your card and activate it, if necessary, to avoid being locked out of buildings and missing classes, meetings, and exams.

Buildings that Require Badge Access starting on Monday, Oct. 2

  • Administration Building 
  • Arts Building – DELAYED UNTIL Oct. 15
  • Boulder Creek 
  • Central Classroom
  • Cherry Creek 
  • North Classroom – DELAYED UNTIL Oct. 15
  • PE Events Center 
  • Plaza Building 
  • Science Building – DELAYED UNTIL Oct. 15
  • Tivoli Annex 
  • West Classroom 

Access Will Not Change for the Following Buildings

  • 5th Street Hub 
  • 9th Street Park Buildings 
  • Auraria Library 
  • King Center 
  • St. Cajetan’s Basement 
  • Emmanuel Gallery
  • Tivoli Student Union (main building) 

CU Denver Buildings—No Change to Access Protocols

The badging protocols for Lawrence Street Center, Business School, CU Denver Building, Student Commons, Learning Commons, Lola and Rob Salazar Student Wellness Center, Lynx Crossing, or City Heights Residence Hall are not changing. However, if you need to enter any of the AHEC buildings on campus (see the list above), you will need to utilize an activated badge to gain access. Follow the instructions above to acquire and test an ID badge.

For more information about the secure badge initiative, click here. FAQs can be found here.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as all three institutions—CU Denver, MSU, and CCD—transition to this new security program to help enhance campus safety.