One Year MBA FAQ

How can an MBA degree be completed in one year?


The One Year MBA program delivers rigorous academics over the course of nine five-week terms. Students are in class about 10 hours per week and spend about 20 hours outside of the classroom on homework. There are one week breaks between terms.​​

Does the program cover all of the skills and coursework included in a traditional two-year MBA?

Yes. Students learn advanced business fundamentals in a dynamic, highly productive environment that promotes leadership development, productivity, and time management.​

Can I complete an area of specialization in the One Year MBA program?


Students cannot earn a specialization in this degree. However, students have the option to focus their electives in a particular area (e.g. finance, marketing, etc.).​

Can I do a dual degree in the One Year MBA Program?

Yes. Once a student in the One Year MBA program finishes their One Year MBA, they have the option to apply to add an MS degree from the CU Denver Business School. One benefit of a dual degree is that a student can earn the MS degree for overall less credit hours after they complete an MBA.

How are the classes in the One Year MBA different from the other Business School graduate degree program courses?

Classes in the One Year MBA program are similar to courses taught in other programs at the university, but aim to provide cutting-edge academics. They are taught in an accelerated format that meet the unique schedule of the One Year MBA program. The One Year MBA classes are taught by the same professors who teach in other degree programs.

How many students are in each cohort?

There are typically around 30-40 students in each cohort.

Is the One Year MBA fully accredited?

Yes. As part of the CU Denver Business School's accreditation, the One Year MBA program is fully accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB).

Can I work while I complete the program?

Yes. Students have the opportunity to compete for internships that can range anywhere from 20-30 hours per week. For students already working full-time, this program may be an option if your employer is flexible with your hours.

How much time should I expect to dedicate to coursework outside of the class?


Students spend an average of 20 hours a week on homework and other activities outside of class.​

Can I transfer credits into the One Year MBA program?

Due to the structure of the program, credits cannot be transferred into the program, but may be transferred out of the program if need be.

Can I take classes outside the One Year MBA curriculum that is offered?

No. Students in this program have the ability to only select from electives offered by the One Year MBA program. ​​

Is the international course required to complete the One Year MBA program?


Yes. The international course is mandatory in order to graduate from the One Year MBA program. ​

I want to make a career change. Can the One Year MBA program help me with a career transition?

Yes. Most students pursue this degree in order to advance or pivot in their career. We offer support services to help you in the next step in your career. A required career and professional development course is embedded into the curriculum of the program. ​​

Do I need to have an undergraduate degree in Business to be considered for the program?


No. Students come with a wide variety of undergraduate backgrounds. ​

Are there any course prerequisites that are required to be considered for this program?


There are no required pre-requisites. ​​

Is there a minimum amount of experience required to be considered for the program?

There is no minimum work experience required for the program. ​

Does it matter when I apply?

The program operates on a rolling admissions basis. That means our admissions committee makes admission decisions as completed applications are submitted. The earlier you apply, the sooner you find out if you are admitted. Applications open every September for the following fall start. ​

Is the GMAT required?

The GMAT is a requirement to apply to the One Year MBA program. If you take the GMAT more than once, we will evaluate your application using the highest GMAT score. Although the GMAT is preferred, other standardized examinations like the GRE may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Applicants who have a prior graduate degree may also request a waiver of the GMAT. This request is submitted during the application process. ​

What is the average GMAT score?

The average score from our applicants is a 600. ​

Is the TOEFL/IELTS required for international applicants?

The One Year MBA program requires proficiency in written and oral English. International applicants whose first language is not English must take the TOEFL or IELTS exam and earn a minimum score of 90 (IBT) or 575 (PBT) TOEFL or 6.5 IELTS. Information on taking the TOEFL or IELTS can be obtained by visiting and

What do I need to apply?

Application Checklist

 Application fee
  Online application
  Two letters of recommendation 
           academic and/or professional
  GMAT score
  Official transcripts from each college
           or university attended
  TOEFL or IELTS score 
          international applicants only

Is an interview required?

An interview is required as part of the admissions process to the One Year MBA program. Interviews may be conducted in-person or through a virtual platform. ​

What if I apply to the One Year MBA program and I am not accepted? Can I be considered for a different graduate business degree at the CU Denver Business School?

Yes. We would connect you with someone from our admissions team who could help you with the process to request that your application be considered for a different program. ​

Is the tuition the same for Colorado residents, non-Colorado residents and international students?

Yes. The tuition rate is the same for all students in the One Year MBA program. ​