BUSN 5010
Cindy Baroway, CPCU, M.Ed, AIC, served as Chair and President of the Global CPCU Society from 2013-2014—she was the fifth female and 1st Asian-American in this role. She is a veteran in the RMI industry with over 30 years of experience. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Northern Illinois University and received her Master of Education with Honors from Regis University. In her professional career, she has taken on numerous leadership roles, including as Home Office Claims Director for Safeco Insurance Company and as an elected official, serving as a Lakewood City Councilor from 2007 to 2015 and as Council President in 2013 and Mayor Pro Tem in 2014. Cindy has been recognized for her dedication to the RMI industry via awards from the CPCU Society and the University of Colorado Denver. She received the Business School’s Laube Community Impact Award in 2013 and the RMI Leadership Award in 2014.
She is the executive director of the RMI Program at CU Denver and enjoys working with students, industry partners, and faculty to develop the next generation of insurance talent. She teaches RISK 1000/1001: Intro to Careers in Risk Management and Insurance, RISK 4609: Claims Management, RISK 4809/6809: Property & Casualty, as well as BUSN 3110: Career & Professional Development. In addition to teaching RISK courses, she is the faculty advisor for RMI students who have secured RMI internships for academic credit. She is also the program director for BUSN 2110: Emotional Intelligence, BUSN 3110, and BUSN 4100: Empowering Women in Business courses.
Cindy is active in her community, serving on various nonprofit boards and business associations, including the Colorado Gives Foundation, Jefferson County Open Space Advisory Committee, CASA of Jeffco/Gilpin Counties, Lakewood West Colfax Community Association, and the 1st Judicial District Performance Commission. She has been a Junior Achievement volunteer for over 30 years, receiving their Golden Apple Award in 2016. She lives in Lakewood with her husband. Her two children and three grandchildren are nearby and keep her busy when she’s not golfing, camping, hiking, or traveling.