BUSB 6000D
Jahangir Karimi received a Ph.D. degree in management information systems from the University of Arizona. He is a professor of information systems and serves as the Associate Dean of Faculty, Staff, and Operations at the Business School, University of Colorado Denver. Dr. Karimi has served as the Acting Dean, Academic Director for the One-Year MBA program, discipline director for information systems programs, and as the coordinating director for developing Massively Open Online Course (MOOC) courses at the Business School. Professor Karimi’s research interests include disruptive innovations, digital disruption, dynamic capabilities, and business model innovation, ERP implementation, and corporate and strategic entrepreneurship. He has published in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Long Range Planning, Communications of the ACM, Journal of Management Information Systems, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Information Systems Frontiers, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Decision Sciences, Journal of Systems and Software, Information and Software Technology, Concurrency: Practice and Experience, several books, and conference proceedings. Dr. Karimi is a member of the Association for Information Systems and on the editorial board of the International Journal of Electronic Commerce.
PhD Information Systems, University of Arizona
MS Information Systems, University of Arizona
BS Managerial Economics, School of Mathematics and Managerial Economics
Areas of expertise
Disruptive Innovations, Digital Innovations, Digitization, and Digital Infrastructure
Digitally Enabled Business Transformation and New Business Models
Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing
ERP Implementation and Supply Chain Management
IT Innovation Diffusion and Strategic Alignment
Corporate and Strategic Entrepreneurship
Publications and presentations
“Creating Value in the Age of Digital Transformation”, Research Outreach, Issue 126, ISSN 2517-701X, DOI: 10.32907/RO-126-1915668746, November 17, 2021.
"The Role of Entrepreneurial Agility in Digital Entrepreneurship and Creating Value in Response to Digital Disruption in the Newspaper Industry." Sustainability, 2021; 13(5): 2741. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13052741 (co-author).
"Individual Characteristics and Geospatial Reasoning Ability: A multigraph analysis of Age, Culture, and Gender," Journal of Decision Systems, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1080/12460125.2020.1824566 (co-author).
"Online Review Consistency Matters: An Evaluation Likelihood Model Perspective" Information Systems Frontier, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-020-10030-7 (co-author).
"Individual Decision-Performance using Spatial Decision SupportSystems: A Geospatial Reasoning Ability and Perceived Task-Technology Fit Perspective," Information Systems Frontiers, 2018, DOI 10.1007/s10796-018-9840-0 (co-author).
"A Unified Model for the Adoption of Electronic Word of Mouth on Social Network Sites: Facebook as the Exemplar," International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 22 (2), 2018, pp. 202-231, (co-author).
"Corporate Entrepreneurship, Disruptive Business Model Innovation Adoption, and its Performance: The Case of Newspaper Industry" Long Range Planning, 49, 342-360 2016 (co-author)
"Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Online Mapping Services," Journal of Computer Information Systems, 56:2, 175-184, 2016 (co-author).
"Do Hedonic and Utilitarian Apps Differ in Consumer Appeal?" In: Sugumaran V., Yoon V., Shaw M. (eds) E-Life: Web-Enabled Convergence of Commerce, Work, and Social Life. WEB 2015. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 258. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45408-5_28 (with Hazarika, Khuntia, and Parthasarathy)
"The Role of Dynamic Capabilities in Responding to Digital Disruption: A Factor Based Study of the Newspaper Industry," Journal of Management Information Systems, 32 (1), 39-41, 2015 (co-author).
"Student Engagement in Course-Based Social Networks: The Impact of Instructor Credibility and Use of Communication", Computers and Education Journal, 88, 84-96, 2015 (co-author).
"Geospatial Reasoning Ability: Construct and Substrata Definition, Measurement, and Validation7quot;, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 31, 402-412, 2015 (co-author)
"The University of Colorado Digital Health Consortium Initiative: A Collaborative Model of Education, Research and Service", Journal of Commercial Biotechnology, 20 (3), 31-37, 2014 (co-author).
"Business Decision-Making Using Geospatial Data: A Research Framework and Literature Review." Special Issue Axioms of Decision Support System, Axioms 3, no. 1: 10-30, December 2013. (co-author).
"The Role of ERP Implementation in Enabling Digital Options: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis," International Journal of Electronic Commerce, (13:3), pp. 7-42, Spring 2009, (co-author)
"The Role of Information Systems Resources in ERP Capability Building and Business Process Outcomes," Journal of Management Information Systems, (24:2), Fall 2007, pp. 221-260 (co-author).
"The Impact of ERP Implementation on Business Process Outcomes: A Factor-based Study," Journal of Management Information Systems, (24:1), Summer 2007, pp. 101-134 (co-author).
"Impact of Environmental Uncertainty and Task Characteristics on User Satisfaction with Data," Information Systems Research, 2004.
"Confirmatory Factor Analysis for End User Computing Satisfaction Instrument: Replication within an ERP Domain," Decision Sciences, 2003
"Impact of Information Technology Management Practices on Customer Service," Journal of Management Information Systems, 2001 (co-author)
"The Effects of MIS Steering Committees on Information Technology Management Sophistication," Journal of Management Information Systems, 2000 (co-author)
"A Study on the Usage of Computer and Communication Technologies for Telecommuting," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2000 (co-author)
"A Software Design Technique for Client -Server Applications," Concurrency: Practice and Experience, 1999
"Asset-based System and Software System Development-Frame-Based Approach," Information and Software Technology, 1998 (co-author)
"Alignment of A Firm's Competitive Strategy and Information Management Sophistication: The Missing Link," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 1997 (co-author)
"Software Maintenance Support for Knowledge-Based Systems," Journal of Systems and Software, 1996 (co-author)
"The Congruence between a Firm's Competitive Strategy and Information Technology Leader's Rank and Role," Journal of Management Information Systems, 1996 (co-author)
"Impact of Competitive Strategy and Information Technology Maturity on Firms' Strategic Response to Globalization," Journal of Management Information Systems, 1996 (co-author)
"A Partitioning Technique for Concurrent Software Design," Journal of Systems and Software, 1996 (co-author)
"Telecommuting: Problems Associated with Telecommunications Technologies and Their Capabilities," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 1995 (co-author)
"Globalization and Information Management Strategies," Journal of Management Information Systems, 1991 (co-author)
"An Asset-based Systems Development Approach to Software Reusability," MIS Quarterly, 1990
"User Interface Design from a Real-time Perspective," Communications of the ACM, 1988 (co-author)
"A Framework for Comparing Information Engineering Methods," MIS Quarterly, 1988 (co-author)
"Strategic Planning for Information Systems: Requirements and Information Engineering Methods," Journal of Management Information Systems, 1988
"An Automated Software Design Assistant," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 1988 (co-author)
"An Automated Software Design Methodology Using CAPO," Journal of Management Information Systems, 1987
Certificate of recognition, the University of Colorado President’s Office, 2016
Certificate of recognition, the University of Colorado President’s Office, 2014
Recipient of the 2013 Laube Impact Award
Recipient of the Business School outstanding research award, 2006
Recipient of the "Accenture Term Professorship" award for excellence in research, teaching, and service contributions during the last 5 years, 2004-Present
Recipient of UCHSC Clinical Science Program "Special Contribution Award" for establishing Clinical Science Program Health IT track and for contribution on the Clinical Science Program Advisory Board, 2004
Outstanding Service Award, University of Colorado Denver Business School, 2004
Outstanding Research Award, University of Colorado Denver Business School, 2002
Outstanding Service Award, University of Colorado Denver Business School, 2000
Outstanding Research Award, University of Colorado Denver Business School, 1997
One of top 5 most prolific authors in Information Systems 1986-90 and 1987-91, MIS Interrupt, 1992
Outstanding Research Award, University of Colorado Denver Business School, 1989