BUSB 5105
Jenna Burke's, PhD, research focuses on emerging topics in external auditing research. For example, her recent research uses archival methodology to examine new disclosure requirements for external auditors and the oversight of risks such as financial reporting complexity and media criticism.
PhD Accountancy, Bentley University
BSBA Accounting and Finance, Northeastern University
CPA, Massachusetts
Areas of expertise
Corporate Governance
Publications and presentations
Burke, J. J., R. Hoitash, U. Hoitash, and X. Xiao. The disclosure and consequences of U.S. critical audit matters. The Accounting Review, forthcoming.
Burke, J. J., and K. Gunny. SEC comment letters and 10-K accounting and linguistic reporting complexity. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, forthcoming.
Burke, J. J. 2022. Do boards take environmental, social, and governance issues seriously? Evidence from media coverage and CEO dismissals. Journal of Business Ethics 176: 647-671.
Burke, J. J., R. Hoitash, U. Hoitash, and X. Xiao. 2022. The costs and benefits of retirement policies at U.S. audit firms. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 40(4).
Burke, J. J., R. Hoitash, and U. Hoitash. 2020. The use and characteristics of foreign component auditors in U.S. multinational audits: Insights from Form AP disclosures. Contemporary Accounting Research 37(4): 2398-2437.
Burke, J. J., R. Hoitash, and U. Hoitash. 2019. Audit partner identification and characteristics: Evidence from U.S. Form AP filings. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 38(3): 71-94.
Burke, J. J., R. Hoitash, and U. Hoitash. 2019. Auditor response to negative media coverage of client environmental, social, and governance practices. Accounting Horizons, 33(3): 1-23.
Burke, J. J., R. Hoitash, and U. Hoitash. 2019. The heterogeneity of board-level sustainability committees and corporate social performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 154(4): 1161-1186.
Burke, J. J., and C. E. Clark. 2016. The business case for integrated reporting: Insights from leading practitioners, regulators, and academics. Business Horizons 59(3): 273-283.
Burke, J. J., and C. Clark. 2016. Boards and shareholders: Bridging the Divide. In Shareholder Empowerment, edited by M. Goronova & L.V. Ryan. Palgrave-McMillan. October 2015.
CU Denver Excellence in Teaching, Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty (2021 nominee)
CU Denver Business School – Outstanding Teacher Award Tenure-Track (2020 winner)
AAA/Deloitte/J. Michael Cook Doctoral Consortium Fellow
Harold S. Geneen Institute for Corporate Governance Accountancy Fellow