BUSB 4300
Jiban Khuntia specializes in health information technology and sustainability research areas. He advises the Health Administration Research Consortium. Khuntia's research examines how organizations leverage information technology (IT) to shape their strategies, workflows, and operations to be successful. His work has appeared in top journals.
PhD Information Systems, University of Maryland, College Park
BE Mechanical Engineering, Sambalpur University, India
Areas of expertise
Healthcare and Information Technology
Sustainability and Information Technology
Emerging Digital Service Innovations
Selected Recent Publications
Al-Hasan A., Yim D., Khuntia J. (2020) Citizens' adherence to COVID-19 mitigation recommendations by the government: A three-country comparative evaluation using online cross-sectional survey data. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), 22(8), e20634.
Lim S., Khuntia J, Yim D, Tanniru M. (2020) A Continuous-Time Markov Chain Model Approach for Estimating Patient Churn Transition in Online Health Infomediary. Decision Science (DS), 51(1), 181-208.
Khuntia J., Kathuria A., Saldanha T., Konsynski, B. (2019) Foreign and Local Firms Leveraging IT-enabled Flexibilities and Firm Capabilities. Journal of Management of Information Systems (JMIS), 36(3), 1-38.
Khuntia J., Saldanha T., Mithas S., and Sambamurthy V. (2018) Information Technology and Sustainability: Evidence from an Emerging Economy. Production and Operations Management (POM), 27(4), 756-773.
Khuntia J. with Kathuria A., Mann A., Saldanha T., Kauffmann A. (2018) Understanding the Strategic Value Appropriation Path for Cloud Computing in the Organization. Journal of Management of Information Systems (JMIS), 35(3), 740-775.
Khuntia J., Mithas S., and Agarwal R. (2017). How Service Offerings and Operational Maturity Influence the Viability of HIEs. Production and Operations Management (POM), 26(11), 1989-2005.
Recent Media Mentions
The CU Denver News regarding Dr. Khuntia’s study on Citizens’ Adherence to COVID-19 Social Distancing Measures Depends on Government was picked up by more than 20 news outlets to inform a wider audience.
The Denver7 Channel (KMGH-TV) featured Dr. Khuntia as an expert: As more people turn to telehealth, how are companies keeping your data safe from hackers? May 2020.
Physicians Practice, quoted in https://www.physicianspractice.com/cybersecurity/top-two-cybersecurity-threats-facing-physician-practices, 2020.
Wall Street Journal, testified and mentioned in the article, “A New Tool to Analyze Medical Records”, by Sara Castellanos, appeared in CIO Journal of WSJ, on 25 Jan 2017.