BUSB 6202
Sarah Kovoor-Misra is currently a Professor of Management at the Business School. She was President of the Western Academy of Management from 2018-19 and is also on the international advisory board of the Eastern Academy of Management International. She has served as a track chair for their international conferences that were held in India, Spain, Peru, Australia, and Croatia. Sarah is a past director of the MBA program and past discipline director for Management faculty and programs at the Business School.
PhD, University of Southern California
Areas of expertise
Dr. Sarah Kovoor-Misra is internationally recognized for her scholarship in the field of crisis management and change. She has published a number of journal articles on these topics, and has also published a single-authored book titled ‘Crisis Management: Resilience and Change (2020), Sage Publications. Dr. Kovoor-Misra has consulted with some leading organizations in the private and public sectors on these issues, and has been quoted in The Korn Ferry Institute Briefings on Talent & Leadership, and multiple times in Ignites (Financial Times publication). She was also featured as a crisis management expert in an article in Harvard Business Review, and the corporate publication of Hoganas Sweden AB. In addition, because of her expertise, Dr. Kovoor-Misra was invited to speak at the Council on Corporate Communications Strategy meeting organized by the Conference Board and Coors-Molson.
Kovoor-Misra, S., Gopalakrishnan, S. & Haisu, Z. (2021) Staying grounded: Identification and perceived control during crises. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 34 (2) 366-384
Gopalakrishnan, S. & Kovoor-Misra, S. (2021) Understanding the Covid-19 pandemic through the lens of organizational innovation. Business Research Quarterly, 24 (3) 224–232
Kovoor-Misra, S. (2020). Crisis Management: Resilience & Change. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. (Sage is ranked as an A academic book publisher – see http://www.sense.nl/organisation/documentation)
Kovoor-Misra, S. (2020). The impetus for resilience and change in business education and management research. Journal of Management Inquiry 29 (2):128–133. (Journal is ranked A in the 2016 Australian Business Deans’ Journal Ranking)
Kovoor-Misra, S. (2020). The transformative professor: Adapting and fostering positive change. Journal of Management Inquiry 29(2):154–158. (Journal is ranked A in the 2016 Australian Business Deans’ Journal Ranking)
Kovoor-Misra, S. & Gopalakrishnan, S. (2016), Culpable leaders, trust, emotional exhaustion, and identification during a crisis. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 37 (8): 1100-1116.
Kovoor-Misra, S & Olk, P. (2015). Leader culpability, hopelessness, and learning during organizational crises. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 36 (8): 990-1011.
Kovoor-Misra, S. (2012). Academic decathletes: Insights from the metaphor and an exemplar. Journal of Management Inquiry, 21(3): 279-286. (Journal is ranked A in the 2016 Australian Business Deans’ Journal Ranking)
Kovoor-Misra, S. & Smith, M. (2011). Artifacts, identification and support for change after an acquisition. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 32 (6):584-604. (This article received the Emerald Literati network outstanding paper award for the best paper published in the journal in 2011).
Kovoor-Misra, S. (2009). Understanding perceived organizational identity during crisis and change: A threat/opportunity framework. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 22 (5): 494-510.
Kovoor-Misra, S. & Smith, M. (2008). In the aftermath of an acquisition: Triggers and effects on perceived organizational identity. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 44 (4):422-444.(Journal is ranked as a top tier management journal - see Judge et al., 2007, Academy of Management Journal,50, 3: 491-506).
Kovoor-Misra, S. & Misra, M. (2007). Understanding and managing crises in an online world. In, International Handbook of Organizational Crisis Management. (Eds.) C.M. Pearson, C. Roux-Dufort, & J.A. Clair, Pg. 85-103. Sage Publications.
Nathan, M, & Kovoor-Misra, S. (2002). No pain, yet gain: Vicarious organizational learning from crises in an inter-organizational field. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 38 (2): 245-266. (Journal is ranked as a top tier management journal – see Gomez-Mejia and Balkan, 1992, Academy of Management Journal, 35: 921-955).
Kovoor-Misra, S. (2002). Boxed-in: Top managers’ propensities during crisis issue diagnosis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, (69): 803-817.(Journal is ranked A in the 2016 Australian Business Deans’ Journal Ranking)
Kovoor-Misra, S, Clair, J.A. & Bettenhausen, K.L. (2001). Clarifying the attributes of organizational crises. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 67: 77-91. (Journal is ranked A in the 2016 Australian Business Deans’ Journal Ranking)
Kovoor-Misra, S. & Nathan, M. (2000). Timing is everything: The optimal time to learn from crises. Review of Business, 21 (3): 31-36.
Kovoor-Misra, S, Zammuto, R., & Mitroff.I.I. (2000). Crisis preparation in organizations: Prescription versus reality. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 63 (1): 43-62. (Journal is ranked A in the 2016 Australian Business Deans’ Journal Ranking)
Kovoor-Misra, S. & Nathan, M. (1999). Crisis causation re-framed. Central Business Review, 18 (2):29-35.
Fiol, M.C. & Kovoor-Misra, S. (1997). Two-way mirroring: Identity and reputation when things go wrong. Corporate Reputation Review, Summer/Fall: 147-151
Pearson, C., Clair, J., Kovoor-Misra, S. & Mitroff, I.I. (1997). Managing the unthinkable. Organizational Dynamics, Autumn: 51-64. (Journal is ranked A in the 2016 Australian Business Deans’ Journal Ranking)
Kovoor-Misra, S. (1996). Moving towards crisis preparedness: Factors that motivate organizations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 53: 169-183. (Journal is ranked A in the 2016 Australian Business Deans’ Journal Ranking)
Kovoor-Misra, S. & Mitroff, I.I. (1996). The effects of emotion & politics on field research on organizational crises. Industrial & Environmental Crisis Quarterly (renamed Organization & Environment), 9 (4): 543-563. (Journal is ranked # 4 out of 217 in Management based on the 2-year impact factor of 8.50 in the Journal Citation Reports)
Kovoor-Misra, S. (1995). A multidimensional approach to crisis preparation for technical organizations: Some critical factors. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 48:143-160. (Journal is ranked A in the 2016 Australian Business Deans’ Journal Ranking)
Siegel, G., Clayton, R., & Kovoor, S. 1990. Modeling Interorganizational Effectiveness. Public Productivity & Management Review, Spring: 215-222. (This article was selected as one of the best papers published in the journal during 1985-93). (The journal is ranked # 6 among Public Administration journals, and # 4 among Public Organization Studies journals. (See Forrester and Watson (1994), Public Administration Review, 54, 5: 474-482).