BUSB 6200
Zhiping Walter joined the University of Colorado Denver in 2002 as an assistant professor. Prior to that, she was an assistant professor at the University of Connecticut. Her current research focuses on user interactions with information web sites and innovation by information providers. Her work has been published in International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Decisions Support Systems, Communications of the ACM, European Journal of Operational Research, among others
PhD Business Administration & Computer Information, University of Rochester
MS Business Administration & Management Science, University of Rochester
MS Computer Science & Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
BS Computer Science & Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Areas of expertise
User Interaction with E-commerce Sites
User Interaction with Content Web Sites
Health Information Systems
Information Systems Success
Economics of Information Systems
Publications and presentations
"Web Credibility and Stickiness of Content Web Sites,” Presented at the International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing. 2007.
"Information Consumption on the Web: How Users Judge Web Credibility,” Paper #36, Presented at the First China Summer Workshop on Information Management. 2007.
"Economics of First Contact Email Advertising,” Presented at the Seminar series of Management Information Systems. 2005.
“A Framework for Data Warehouse Refresh Policies", with Michael V. Mannino, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Workshop on Information Technologies Systems. 2003.
“Risk Profile and Consumer Shopping Behavior in Electronic and Traditional Channels,” Presented at the Joint Seminar series of Computer Science and Information System. 2002.
"Management Problems of Internet Systems Development", with George Scott, Proceedings Of The Thirty-Fifth Hawaii International Conference On Systems Sciences. 2002.
“Strategies for Local Newspapers in the Digital Economy,” Presented at the Seventh Americas Conference on Information Systems. 2001.
“Strategies for Local Newspapers in the Digital Economy", with Juliana Juliana Stolarova-Ornek, Proceedings of the Seventh Americas Conference on Information Systems. 2001.
"Theory of User Acceptance of Information Technologies: An Examination of Health Care Professionals", with Melissa Succi, Proceedings Of The Thirty-Second Hawaii International Conference On Systems Sciences. 1999.
"Workflow Optimization through Task Redesign in Business Information Processes", with Rajiv Dewan and Abraham Seidmann, Proceedings Of The Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference On Systems Sciences. 1998.
"Digital Document Technology Selection and Workflow Optimization", with Rajiv Dewan and Abraham Seidmann, Proceedings Of The Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference On Systems Sciences. 1998.
"Workflow Redesign through Consolidation in Information-intensive Business Processes", with Rajiv Dewan and Abraham Seidmann, Proceedings Of The Eighteenth International Conference On Information Systems. 1997.
“Adoption of Document Management Systems in Business Processes", with Rajiv Dewan and Abraham Seidmann, the Diffusion Interest Group on Information Technology Meeting. 1996.
“The Role of Document Management in Workflow Management”, with Rajiv Dewan and Abraham Seidmann, Proceedings of the Second Americas Conference on Information Systems. 1996.
“DocumentNet: A New Methodology for Workflow Modeling and Analysis", with Rajiv Dewan and Abraham Seidmann, Proceedings of the First INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology. 1996.
“The Role of Electronic Documents in Workflow Management", with Rajiv Dewan and Abraham Seidmann, Proceedings of the First Americas Conference on Information Systems. 1995.
"User acceptance of information technologies: an examination of physicians" Zhiping Walter and Melissa Lopez, Decision Support Systems. 2008.
"The Sources of Online Price Dispersion Across Product Types: An Integrative View of Online Search Costs and Price Premiums," Zhiping Walter, Alok Gupta, and Bo-chiuan Su, International Journal of Electronic Commerce. 2006.
"Economics of First-Contact Email Advertising," Ram D. Gopal, Arvind K. Tripathi, and Zhiping D. Walter, Decision Support Systems. 2006.
“A Framework for Data Warehouse Refresh Policies", Michael V. Mannino and Zhiping Walter, Decision Support Systems. 2006.
“Management Issues of Internet/Web Systems—A Comparison With Those of Traditional Systems", Zhiping Walter and George Scott, Communications of the ACM. 2006.
“Activity Consolidation to Improve Responsiveness", Jeff Rummel, Zhiping Walter, Rajiv Dewan, and Abraham Seidmann, European Journal of Operational Research. 2005.
“An Empirical Study of Consumer Switching from Traditional to Electronic Channels: A Purchase-Decision Process Perspective", Gupta, Alok, Bo-chiuan Su, and Walter, Zhiping, International Journal of Electronic Commerce. 2004.
“Risk Profile and Consumer Shopping Behavior in Electronic and Traditional Channels", Alok Gupta, Bo-chiuan Su, and Zhiping Walter, Decision Support Systems. 2004.
“DELPHI Findings About Internet Systems Problems, With Implications for Other Technologies", George Scott and Zhiping Walter, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. 2003.
“E-Healthcare Web Site Design: A Preference Approach", Zhiping Walter and Alex Tung, International Journal of Healthcare Technology Management. 2002.
“AdMediation: New Horizons in Effective Email Advertising", Ram Gopal, Zhiping Walter, and Arvind Tripathi, Communications of the ACM. 2001.
“Economic Issues in Advertising via Email: Role for A Trusted Third Party?” Ram Gopal, Arvind Tripathi, and Zhiping Walter, in Krishnamurthy, S. (ed.) Contemporary Research in E-Marketing, Vol. 1, Idea Group Publishing, 2005.
Reviewer of the Year Award for Information Systems Research, 2007
Business School Nominee for Campus-wide Research Award, 2006
University of Colorado Denver Business School Dean’s Research Award Runner-up, 2005
Best Paper Award, Collaboration Systems and Technology Track, Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 1998
Grant for “Delphi Questionnaire Study to Identify and Prioritize Internet Management Problems,” with George Scott, University of Connecticut Research Foundation
Grant for “Critical Success Factors for E-Healthcare: A Survey Study,” with Alex Tung, University of Connecticut Research Foundation
Member: Association of Information Systems
Program Committee and Session Chairs ICIS 2002
Program Committee Program Committee of First China
Summer Workshop on Information Management, 2007, 2008 Session Chair, 2007 International Symposium on Information Systems & Management (ISM 2007: The Management Track of IEEE WiCOM2007)