BUSB 5103
Mary A. Malina's research interests include management control systems, performance measurement and subjectivity in performance evaluation. Her work has been published in several international journals including The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Management Accounting Research, and Group & Organization Management.
PhD Accounting, University of Colorado Boulder
MBA, Butler University
BBA Accounting, Saint Mary's College
Areas of expertise
Managerial Accounting
Management Control Systems
Performance Measurement
Subjective Performance Evaluation
Research Relevance
Publications and presentations
Lillis, A.M., M.A. Malina, and J. Mundy. (2022) The role of subjectivity in mitigating incentive contracting risks. The Accounting Review 97 (1): 365-388.
Malina, M.A. and B.P. Tucker. (2020) A performance measurement approach to defining and measuring research relevance: evidence from university senior management. Advances in Management Accounting 32: 117-150.
Hesford, J.W., M. A. Malina, and M. Pizzini. (2016). Turnover and unit-level financial performance: An analysis of the costs and benefits of voluntary and involuntary turnover in unskilled jobs. Advances in Management Accounting 26: 35-66.
Malina, M.A. and F. H. Selto. (2015). Behavioral economic nudges and performance measurement models. Journal of Management Accounting Research 27(1): 27-45.
Burns, J., K. J. Euske, and M. A. Malina. (2014). Debating diversity in management accounting research. Advances in Management Accounting 24: 39-59.
Euske, K.J. and M. A. Malina. (2013). Transfer of performance measurement innovations across economic sectors. Advances in Management Accounting 22: 25-42.
Malina, M. A. (2013). The evolution of a balanced scorecard. Journal of Applied Business Research 29(3): 901-912.
Euske, K.J., J. W. Hesford, and M. A. Malina. (2011). A social network analysis of the literature on management control. Journal of Management Accounting Research 23(1): 259-283.
Malina, M. A., H. S. O. Norreklit, and F. H. Selto. (2011). Lessons learned: Advantages and disadvantages of mixed method research. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 8(1): 59-71.
Johnston, Derek and Mary A. Malina. Managing Sexual Orientation Diversity: The Impact on Firm Value.Group & Organization Management. 33 (2008): 602-625.
Malina, Mary A., Hanne Norreklit, and Frank H. Selto. Relations Among Measures, Result Control and Performance Measurement Models. Contemporary Accounting Research. 24 (2007): 935-982.
Abernethy, Margaret, Malcolm Horne, Anne Lillis, Mary A. Malina, and Frank H. Selto. A Multi-method Approach to Building Causal Performance Maps from Expert Knowledge. Management Accounting Research16 (2005): 135-155.
Euske, K.J. and Mary A. Malina. The Pyramid of Organizational Development as a Performance Measurement Model. Advances in Management Accounting 14 (2005): 88-97.
Malina, Mary A. and Frank H. Selto. Choice and Change of Measures in Performance Measurement Models. Management Accounting Research 15 (2004): 441-60.
Malina, Mary A. and Frank H. Selto. Communicating and Controlling Strategy: An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of the Balanced Scorecard. Journal of Management Accounting Research 13 (2001): 47-90.
2012 Outstanding Paper, Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management
Best Paper of 2005, Management Accounting Research
Editor: Advances in Management Accounting, 2014 - 2019