Jeffrey Nystrom

Discipline Director • Senior Instructor

BUSB 5011

Jeffrey Nystrom teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in strategic management and organization theory. He began his career as an educator in 1995 and spent five years on the faculty at College America Denver, where he taught courses in management and served as the program director of the management department.

Nystrom produces intellectual contributions by engaging in the following forms of research: (1) learning and pedagogical research and (2) applied research. Regarding learning and pedagogical research, he produces (1) ancillary instructional materials for use in his area of instruction and (2) material to improve educational pedagogy and techniques. Regarding applied research, he produce articles for practice-oriented journals.

Nystrom engages in a variety of professional development activities to maintain as well as develop intellectual capital and currency in his area of instruction, including regularly attending seminars and colloquiums. He also engages in a variety of other professional development activities to improve his teaching, including participating in on-site and online courses, workshops, or seminars.

Regarding community service, he engages in unpaid consulting activities that are material in terms of time and substance and actively serves as a member on at least one board of directors in a position consistent with his area of professional expertise and experience as well as relevant to his teaching responsibilities and the mission of the Business School. These activities also provide him with an opportunity to remain actively engaged in his profession and, thereby, develop intellectual capital and currency in his area of instruction.

Regarding professional service, he serves as a reviewer for publishers of textbooks consistent with his area of instruction. This professional service activity provides him with an opportunity to remain actively engaged in his profession and, thereby, develop “intellectual capital and currency” in his area of instruction.


MS Management, University of Colorado Denver

BS Business Administration, University of Colorado Denver

Areas of expertise

Applied Research

Learning and Pedagogical Research


His research is aimed at making a significant contribution to the understanding of organizational success, specifically discovering the deep reasons underlying long-term/sustained organizational success by developing a better understanding of what constitutes organizational success.

Publications and presentations

Nystrom, J. (2011). Effectively Organizing Student Work Groups in an Online Learning Environment. In P. R. Lowenthal, D. Thomas, A. Thai, B. Yuhnke, M. Edwards, & C. Gasell. (Eds.), The CU Online Handbook, 2011 (pp. 39-45). Raleigh, NC: Lulu Enterprises.

Selkowitz, Ira C. and Jeffrey R. Nystrom. “Do You Have a Strategy for Success in the Music Business?” Colorado Lawyers for the Arts. 17 December 2008: 1-6.

Zammuto, R. F. & Nystrom J. R. (2003) “Why do some technological innovations create disruptive changes for industries while others do not?” In D. R. Laube and R. F. Zammuto (Eds.), “Business Driven Information Technology: Answers to 100 Critical Questions for Every Manager,” 10-14. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.

“Why do some technological innovations create disruptive changes for industries while others do not?” In D. R. Laube and R. F. Zammuto (Eds.),Business Driven Information Technology: Answers to 100 Critical Questions for Every Manager Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. 2003, (with Zammuto, R.F.)

Jones, Gareth R. 2004. Organization Theory, Design, and Change: Text and Cases, 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education. (Completed February 22, 2005)

Dess, Gregory G., G. T. Lumpkin, and Alan B. Eisner. 2006. Strategic Management: Text and Cases, 2nd ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2006. (Completed February, 28, 2005)

Carpenter, Mason A., and Wm. Gerard Sanders. Strategic Management: A Dynamic Perspective, 1st ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education. (Completed May 24, 2004)


Recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award (Denver Campus), Academic Year 2013-2014, Senior Instructor/Instructor, University of Colorado Denver

Recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award (Business School), Academic Year 2013-2014, Senior Instructor/Instructor, University of Colorado Denver

Recipient of the Downtown Denver Faculty Assembly Award for service as the Faculty Advisor for Beta Gamma Sigma, Academic Year 2013-2014, Business School, University of Colorado Denver

Recipient of the Outstanding Student Organization Advisor Award, Academic Year 2008-2009, University of Colorado Denver

Recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award (Business School), Academic Year 2004-2005, Senior Instructor/Instructor, University of Colorado Denver

Beta Gamma Sigma, elected to membership (i.e., honorary faculty membership), November 16, 2001

Beta Gamma Sigma, elected to membership April 17, 1992

Golden Key National Honor Society, elected to membership November 9, 1991


Faculty Sponsor, Beta Gamma Sigma (the honor society for AACSB accredited business programs), University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center Chapter, November 22, 2002 – Present

Faculty Advisor, Phi Chi Theta (the national business fraternity for students in business and economics), University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center Chapter, August 12, 2003 – September 1, 2005

Faculty Advisor, SHRM Phi Chi Theta (the national business fraternity for students in business and economics), University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center Chapter, August 1, 2005 – Present