Fostering cutting-edge and impactful research
Lead Faculty
The Health Administration Research Consortium (HARC) is focused on thought leadership in health administration and business research, relevant to health systems, health and diversity, digital and intelligent health, and health leadership.
- Industry and academic collaboration
- Faculty and student research on real-world problems
- Dissemination of academic research to the industry
Learn more about the Health Administration Center.
The HARC Health Systems’ Climate Study aims to gather data and provide insights into the challenges, opportunities, strategies, and concerns faced by health systems across the United States. Insights will enable top managers, administrators, academicians, clinicians, policymakers, and practitioners to learn meaningful healthcare industry information, trends, and patterns.
Download the 2023 report
Download the 2022 report
Download the 2021 report
Focus in 2021-2023
- Monitoring health systems’ response during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Investigating supply chain issues and vaccine distribution challenges
- Appraise digital and intelligent applications during the pandemic
2023 Research Briefs
- Supply Chain Redesign for Health Systems
- Radiographic View with Deep Learning
- Diversity and Inclusion in Healthcare
2022 Research Briefs
- Operational Differences Across Canada and US Hospitals
- Hospital Overheads in Colorado
- Integration of Health Systems
- Nothing As Practical As A Good Theory
2021 Research Briefs
- Digital Orientation of Health Systems
- Profitability Impacts of COVID-19 on Global PE Health Systems
- Augmented Creativity And Healthcare
- CDSS at Boulder Community Health
- The Perils and Promise of Supply Chains in Healthcare: Insights from Pandemic
- Collaborative Problem Solving for the Trillion Dollar Opioid Crisis in the United States
- Differences in Rural-Urban Counties’ Collaboration Activity for Opioid Response: A Cross-Sectional Survey
- Operational Flexibility as a Crisis Response to Manage Organizations in Extreme Uncertainties Similar to COVID-19 Pandemic Situation
- Response to the COVID-19 Crisis: Differences between Female and Male-led Companies in Three Income Groups
2020 Research Briefs
- St. Joseph’s Health System’s Response to People Issues During The COVID Pandemic
- Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare In Minnesota: A Virtual Care Success Story During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Covering The Last 50 Feet of The Immunization Supply Chain: Logistics Points to Consider for Healthcare Managers
- COVID-19 and Digital Health: How Intelligent Solutions are Shaping Healthcare for the Future
- Intelligent Health Fighting Pandemic
- Health Systems’ Responses During the Pandemic
- The Case of Bozeman Health in Montana: Relationship Building with Local Suppliers to Mitigate the COVID-19 Pandemic Challenge
- Genesis Health’s Real-Time Decision-Making to Manage Supply Chain Issues During The COVID-19 Pandemic
- The Early Dilemma and New Way of Working at St. Luke’s Boise Medical Center During The COVID-19 Pandemic
- Efforts of Main Line Health System to be Self-Reliant During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Spectrum Health During COVID-19 Pandemic
- The Strategic Positioning of Integrated Supply Chain Management to Help FMOLHS During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Strategic Orientation of Montage Medical Group During COVID-19 Pandemic
- HCA Florida During COVID-19 Pandemic
Pre-2020 Research
- HARC released its 2023 Annual Health Systems’ Climate Survey, that calls for more research on the burnout challenge in healthcare workforce, along with other issues (April 2023).
- Dr. Priyanka deSouza, HARC affiliated faculty’s NEJM article highlights Air Pollution and Mortality at the Intersection of Race and Social Class (March 2023).
- HA Program students won third place in the 2023 BAHM Case Competition and fifth our of forty-two teams in the UAB Health Administration Competition (Feb 2023)
- HARC research led to a JMIR paper Valuing Diversity and Inclusion in Health Care to Equip the Workforce: Survey Study and Pathway Analysis featured on media outlets such as Yahoo Finance, Newswise and PR Newswire(March 2023). The authors were also featured in a video discussionon JMIR publication’s YouTube channel (January 2023).
- Dr. Jeff Helton, HARC affiliated faculty’s research on Improving Readmission Rates in Acute Care and Financial Success of Community Hospitals: The Role of the Emergency Department appeared in the Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences (2022)
- The research publication on Competition and Integration of US Health Systems is featured in many news outlets, including News Wise, Digital Health Science News, EINPRESSWiRE, PR Newswire, Eurekalert, Yahoo! Finance,, AP NEWS, Business Insider, Asian News, PR Wire India and Journal of Cyber Policy. The paper has got a high altmetric score of 320, and #2 out of 1,326 in JMIR FR, and is in the top 5% of in Altmetric, showcasing the impact. An interview video about the paper has been the most viewed video of all time on JMIR TV YouTube channel, with 5000+ views (June-September 2022).
- Digital Health Science News, Medical Express, and News Wise covered the HARC Research and JMIR publication on the value of diversity and inclusion in the workforce (May-August 2022).
- Digital Health Science,, and news-wise covered the HARC research and JMIR publication on integration and collaborative redesign strategies in health system supply chain operations (June-August 2022).
- Xue Nancy Ning, Information Systems Ph.D. Student and HARC fellow joined as a Tenure Track assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin Parkside. She is continuing her engagement as HARC Affiliated Faculty and is engaged in multiple HARC projects (May 2022).
- HARC has received wide media coverage for the 2022 Health Systems’ Climate Study, detailing health systems’ strategic care delivery choices as healthcare shifts to patient-centered models. CU Denver News, Becker’s Hospital Review, Guidehouse, PR Newswire, Medical Press, Health Leaders, EurekAlert, Mirage, Opera News, Global Health Newswire, The Health News Express, and Health Today, covered HARC 2022 Health Systems’ Climate Survey (April-May 2022).
- The Health Administration Research Consortium research team published the second Health Systems’ Climate Survey. This ongoing climate survey provides meaningful insights into the health industry. This study focuses on how CEOs embrace growth in a value-based care paradigm and future-proofing healthcare (March 2022).
- The Health Administration Student Organization (HASO) at the University of Colorado Business School, in partnership with the Colorado Association of Healthcare Executives (CAHE), organized the webinar “Strategies to Implement DEI Projects in Healthcare,” part of a series in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Symposium, with several Industry and Alumni speakers. (March 2022).
- Health Administration faculty Dr. Roger A. Ritvo, with his co-authors Dr. Karen Kent and Dr. Lee Seidel, has a paper accepted in the Journal of Health Administration Education reflecting on the capstone course and problem-based learning used in the Executive MBA in Health Administration program. A research brief on the ideas and concepts in the article is published on the HARC website. (Jan 2022)
- Dr. Priyanka deSouza, HARC affiliated faculty, was featured in Times of India, a premier newspaper in India, reflecting how air pollution influences infant mortality. (Jan 2022)
- Jeff Helton and Rulon Stacey (along with two students) collaborated with World Health Organizations researchers and the CEO of the International Hospital Federation and co-authored a research brief on the impact of COVID on hospital profitability. (December 2021)
- Rulon Stacey attended the 2021 World Hospital Congress. He leads the IHF Young Executive Leaders program and is a well-acknowledged leader in IHF (November 2021)
- Collaborations with IHF moving to deep engagements with Grace Goschen’s work to build a database for the IHF that will lead international hospital communications for years to come (November 2021)
- A global collaborative project on patient empowerment is initiated involving IHF Young Leaders led by Dr. Khuntia (November 2021)
- HARC Student Goschen Grace did a brief in The Governance Institute’s e-briefings for November. Volume 18 No. 6. A great accomplishment for an MBA student. (November 2021)
- Meng Li’s work was highlighted recently in CU Denver News for her work on physician decision-making. (October 2021)
- HARC welcomed new affiliated faculty members. The new members joined the group during HARC presentations at the Grand Challenge Research Symposium: Kelly E. See, Associate Professor, Management, Business School; Annie B. Miller, Senior Instructor, School of Public Affairs; Meng Li, Associate Professor, Health and Behavioral Sciences; Priyanka deSouza, Assistant Professor, College of Architecture and Planning (Oct-Nov 2021
- HARC presented in the CU Denver ‘Identifying Grand Challenges Program’ (Oct-Nov 2021)
- Jeff Helton’s op-ed on “fostering innovation in healthcare” has gathered some attention and discussion in the healthcare community. (August 26, 2021)
- HARC Fellow Xue Nancy Ning joined as a Tenure Track assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin Parkside, in completion ofher Information Systems PhD. (August 2021)
- Several news outlets widely covered a paper on Digital Orientation of Health Systems, including USANewsguru, California News-Times, Medical Online News,, News ATW, News Post Wall, Great Breaking News, Anthropogenicpollutants, Hale Plus Hearty, Medi Expose, Eurek Alert!, Opera News, and UK Today News. EHR Intelligence opined, "health IT adoption disparities impede digital health transformation, and a national policy is needed to support the health IT adoption and digital health transformation." (August 18-19, 2021)
- HARC is providing IT and Analytics support to Global Health Connections to empower for health management in Kenya’s villages (July 2021)
- Chris Hadley of the Denver Medical Study Group Podcast interviews Dr. Rulon Stacey, Director of Health Administration Programs at CU Denver, as he shares about CEO leadership and his transition for the next three years (June 2021).
- HARC fellow Mitchell Berning, MBA student, joined Iris Telehealth as a product team manager (June 2021)
- A study on virtual care models to be a threat to small healthcare businesses was featured in Becker’s Hospital Review, EurekaAlert!, DailyAdvent/Opera News, and CU Denver News. (April 15-16, 2021)
- Online knowledge validation can help understand stem cell therapies better, suggested in a study co-authored by Dr. Jiban Khuntia.
- The Health Administration Research Consortium formation and progress featured in the Business School News (Mar 2, 2021).
- Forbes article cited Dr. Wayne Cascio’s research paper on wage policy, which offers implications for addressing the employee shortage issue during the COVID-19 crisis. (Mar 2, 2021)
- HealthCare Financial Management Association covered Dr. Jeff Helton’s article. The article examined the role of patients in the innovation of healthcare. Dr. Jeff Helton gave two suggestions: choosing technology over humanity and asking the patients. This study highlights the value of innovations and the importance of involving patients in innovation. (Feb 01, 2021)
- Dr. Blair Gifford’s HMPI article on the response to the 1918 Influenza pandemic by the Chicago hospitals was covered by CU Denver News. This research suggested that the active responses during the epidemic reinforced the identity of voluntary hospitals. This message provides insights into the current COVID-19 pandemic. (Jan 28, 2021)
- Dr. William Swann discussed the opioid crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has become even more challenging with the increasing uncertainties. This article presented by the School of Public Affairs at CU Denver suggested the expanding treatment and the accessibility to treatment are critical factors to address this crisis. (Jan 19, 2021)
- Dr. Jiban Khuntia and Dr. Rulon Stacey discussed how can health systems drive economic recovery in a COVID-19 transformed situation on the HealthTech Magazines. (Jan 4, 2021)
- As a member of the International Hospital Federation (IHF)’s Special Task Force on Beyond COVID-19, Dr. Jiban Khuntia shared his findings of supply, logistics, and infrastructure changes realized during the COVID-19 pandemic in an IHF virtual forum. (Nov 25, 2020).
- Dr. Jiban Khuntia recommends embracing innovation and infrastructure by health systems in the VeryWellHealth article: Hospitals Unprepared for Latest COVID-19 Surge, Nurses Say. (Nov 24, 2020)
- A blog written by Dr. Khuntia and Dr. Els van der Wilden-van Lier discusses decision-making during the COVID-19 crisis in the International Hospital Federation (IHF) article: Responding to Covid-19: The Importance of ‘Value-Aligned Decisions’. (Sep 22, 2020)
- Study on social distancing provides policy recommendations, by Dr. Khuntia and team: Government response to COVID-19 influences citizens' adherence to social distancing measures. (Aug 25, 2020)
- NewsBreak features Dr. Khuntia’s study on citizen responses to government orders in the United States, Kuwait, and South Korea: Citizens' adherence to COVID-19 social distancing measures depends on government response. (Aug 25, 2020)
- EurekAlert! features Dr. Jiban Khuntia’s study: Citizens' adherence to COVID-19 social distancing measures depends on government response. (Aug 24, 2020)
- ScienceDaily features Dr. Jiban Khuntia’s study on citizen responses to government orders in three countries: Citizens' adherence to COVID-19 social distancing measures depends on government response. (Aug 24, 2020)
- ClinOwl introduces Dr. Jiban Khuntia’s study on citizen responses to adherence recommendations: Citizens’ adherence to COVID-19 mitigation recommendations by the government: A three-country comparative evaluation using online cross-sectional survey data. (July 28, 2020)
- Dr. Khuntia studied citizen responses to government orders in the United States, Kuwait, and South Korea: Citizens’ Adherence to COVID-19 Social Distancing Measures Depends on Government. (Aug 24, 2020)
- Dr. Wayne Cascio recommends companies hunker down and do all they can to avoid layoffs: Professor’s Research on Layoffs Featured in The New York Times. (July 6, 2020)
- Dr. Wayne Cascio’s study on layoffs provides insight to understand the pandemic layoffs: More people will be fired in the pandemic. Let’s talk about it. (June 15, 2020)
- Dr. Jiban Khuntia gives opinions in the Denver Channel on data privacy of telehealth: As more people turn to telehealth, how are companies keeping your data safe from hackers? (May 11, 2020)
- Drs. Wayne Cascio, and Rulon Stacey, with Andrew Garman, believe that: front-line-healthcare-workers-deserve-hazard-pay. (May 05, 2020)
- Drs. Rulon Stacey and Jiban Khuntia provide recommendations in the Health Management Policy and Innovation coverage on the COVID situation: Healthcare Systems: Are You Prepared For The Post-COVID-19 Era? (April 23, 2020)
- Dr. Rulon Stacey gives suggestions to Colorado hospitals that: 'The best-case scenario is we're financially devastated, not medically devastated'. (Mar 31, 2020)
- Dr. Jiban Khuntia advises on employee-related healthcare cybersecurity threats in the Physicians Practice article: Top two cybersecurity threats facing physician practices. (Mar 13, 2020)
- HARC in collaboration with Information Systems Association organized a Webinar on AI & ML Models in Healthcare, featuring industry experts Manu Hegde and Aashish Amber from Elevance Health (March 2023)
- The Health Administration Student Organization (HASO) at the University of Colorado Business School in partnership with the Colorado Association of Healthcare Executives (CAHE) organized the webinar “Strategies to Implement DEI Projects in Healthcare,” part of a series in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Symposium, with several Industry and Alumni speakers (March 2022).
- HARC-affiliated faculty and other industry professionals participated in CU Denver Business School’s Business Insights Webinar Series on the Impact of Digital Disruptions on Health Systems (Feb 2022).
- The Health Administration Student Organization (HASO) and the Colorado Association of Healthcare Executives (CAHE) presented the Webinar: Changing the Way We Think About Mental Health.
- The Impact of COVID-19 on the Future of Health Care Leadership: A Baldrige/CAHME Perspective, presented by Dr. Rulon Stacey, Program Director of HA Programs, and Dr. Anthony Stanowski, President and CEO, CAHME.
- The Health Administration Student Organization (HASO) at the University of Colorado Denver in partnership with the Colorado Association of Healthcare Executives. (CAHE) organized the first event in our Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Webinar Series: The Effects of Systemic Racism on Healthcare, featuring guest speakers Jandel Allen-Davis, MD; Nita Mosby Tyler, PhD; and Regina Richards, PhD, MSW; and was moderated by Terrence Walker, PT, DPT.
- Restructuring & Reimagining: Leading a Post-Pandemic Workplace with Dr. Wayne Cascio, hosted by Uptime Logistics on December 4, 2020.
- Dr. Jeffrey Helton navigates the effective vaccine delivery challenges with Dr. Mario Macis, and Dr. Julie L. Swann in the Webinar: Greatest supply chain challenge ever? The COVID-19 vaccine. This Webinar was organized by the Health Administration Student Organization (HASO) and the Business School Alliance for Healthcare Management (BAHM). (November 2, 2020)
- Dr. Rulon F. Stacey moderated a panel on Real World Crisis Collaboration, with Peter Banko, CEO of Centura Health, and Kevin Slavin, CEO of St. Joseph's Health, organized by HASO. (May 13, 2020)
- Leading to Recovery: Planning Priorities for Healthcare Organizations Post-COVID-19. Webinar, with Jiban Khuntia, Rulon Stacey, and Richard Bajner, organized by HASO and Colorado Association of Healthcare Executives (CAHE). (April 23, 2020)

William L. Swann
Assistant Professor, School of Public Affairs
Danielle Varda
Associate Professor, School of Public Affairs
Jeff Helton
Clinical Assistant Professor, Health Administration
Annie B. Miller
Senior Instructor, School of Public Affairs
Priyanka deSouza
Assistant Professor, College of Architecture and Planning
Julia Mahfouz
Assistant Professor, School of Education and Human Development
Xue Nancy Ning
Assistant Professor, Information Systems, University of Wisconsin Parkside (Visiting Faculty)
Current Student Fellows
- Bhanukesh Balabhadraputrani (Bhanu) is a graduate student specializing in analytics and healthcare area.
Past Student Fellows
- Joanna Chiyon Kumar (2022-23)
- Xue Nancy Ning (2020-2022)
- Frances J. Mejia (2021-2022)
- Grace Goschen (2020-2022)
- Michel Berning (2020-2021)
- Naser Shekarian (2020-2021)
Partnership with the International Hospital Federation (IHF), 2020-2021.
- Dr. Rulon Stacey is the Chairman of the CEO Circle at IHF
- Dr. Wayne Cascio, Dr. Blair Gifford, and Dr. Jiban Khuntia served as members of the Beyond COVID-19’ Task Force.
Research collaborations with health systems to study the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020.
HARC is seeking grants and industry sponsorships for research and dissemination activities. Please connect with Dr. Jiban Khuntia for any projects or collaborations involving HARC faculty and students.